Micro-chip Service - It’s a good time to microchip for dogs and cats

Gwen Kuykendall, co-owner of Kuykendall’s Border Collies and Goose Masters, wants residents to understand the importance of micro-chipping family pets to help track them and keep more of them from getting lost during storms and landing in animal shelters.

At Grah Kingston we are providing quality Cat & Dog Micro Chip Services. We are known as one of the best dog and cat Micro Chip vet clinics in Kingston.

We breed, raise and train high-end Border Collies for farms, Canada goose control, sports dogs and sometimes pets. Although our dogs are highly trained and can be commanded at a distance through verbal and whistle commands, anything can happen, they are still dogs, we’re not too proud to think they are perfect, so we recommend micro-chipping.

We will go even further and say that we think it is as important as vaccinating, de-worming for internal and external parasites and heartworm prevention. Plus, it’s very affordable — less than $50, it lasts the lifetime of your animal and can be done in seconds at a regular vet visit. We have collars on all our dogs with nameplates but collars can fall off or be taken off, microchipping is permanent.

Kuykendall wants to stress the importance of microchipping: If you’ve decided to microchip is something you’d like to do; this is the time to do it. Summer outdoor activities just put your dog at a greater risk of potentially getting lost. Travel in unfamiliar environments can cause added opportunities for animals to become separated from their families.

Even if a friend is watching your pet, fireworks, gunshots, and thunderstorms all play a role in dogs becoming frightened and bolting from us, their handler, or caretaker. Most of the time our dogs drop instantly on the lie-down command but if nervous or frightened they’ll continuing running and get away from us. Veterinary clinics have the means to micro-chip fur babies.

The process is simple — first the dog is scanned to be sure there isn’t a microchip already implanted, next the chip which is only about the size of a grain of rice is inserted between the shoulder blades right under the skin, most times your animal never even feels it.

Finally, the dog is scanned again to be sure the number shows up on the scanner. Most importantly is the final step of either filling out your personal contact information online or by regular mail and as important is keeping that information current if anything changes.

The chip only has a number associated with it so if a dog is lost the facility trying to locate the owner, they call the company and give them that number which is associated with the animal and the company whether it be Avid, Home Again, or MicroFindr. That company will then contact the owner; personal information is never given out. This is not a GPS tracker; micro-chips work on radio frequency to read the number on the chip. Typically, the chip stays in place but can move slightly around the body and very rarely dislodge from the body.

All facilities in the state of North Carolina are taking in lost animals, Veterinary offices, rescues, and pounds, all by law have to scan the animal so if your pet or working dog is lost and found and brought in to a facility the chances of you being reunited is very, very good.

If you have any questions regarding microchipping or wish to make an appointment for your pet visit our Animal Hospital in Kingston. At GRAH, we routinely provide microchipping service to pets in an easy and relatively painless manner.




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