Animal Vaccines Kingston: Which Vaccinations Do Pets Need Each Year?
Administering yearly vaccinations is important for maintaining the health of your pet, as well as other dogs, cats, and humans. When you get a Yearly Health Exam appointment at the vet’s office at Vet Clinic Kingston, a veterinarian may suggest that you provide your pet with any necessary animal vaccinations. By keeping up-to-date with your pet’s shot, you can help to ensure that he or she lives a long and healthy life. Let’s review some of the essential animal vaccines Kingston that pets need each year.
At Grah Kingston, we are providing quality Dog & Cat
Vaccination Service. We are known as one of the best Animal Vaccines
vet clinics in Kingston open 7 days a week.

Rabies Vaccination in Kingston
Depending on the laws in your local area, your pet may need
to receive a rabies vaccination every year. Rabies is a deadly disease that can
affect both dogs and cats. If you miss a yearly rabies shot, your pet could be
at risk of contracting the illness. Since rabies can be transmitted between
animals and people, it is especially important to keep up to date with your
rabies vaccinations.
Bordetella Vaccination
A Bordetella vaccination may also be incorporated into your
pet’s yearly vaccination schedule. Bordetella is a respiratory disease that can
endanger both dogs and cats. When an animal is infected with Bordetella, he or
she may have trouble breathing and exercising. A low-cost vaccines Kingston is
recommended to protect your pet against the Bordetella bacterium.

Specific Vaccination
While some
types of contagions can affect both dogs and cats, other viruses and bacteria
are specific to certain species. If you are a dog owner, for example, you will
need to provide your pet with annual canine parvovirus and distemper Dog Vaccines Kingston. Cats, by
contrast, require cat vaccines Kingston against feline leukemia and herpesvirus
type I.
At Gardiners Road Animal Hospital, our team of staff will be there to take care of your pet throughout all of its developmental stages. From routine vaccinations to emergency care service, we offer all of the services that your pet may need to remain healthy and happy. To schedule an exam at our veterinary clinic in Kingston, give us a call at +1 613-634-(KVET)5838.