Nutrition Service Kingston: What Not to Feed Your Dog

 No matter how hard we try to keep our dogs away from table leftovers there may come a time when they will get some food that wasn’t planned for them. While many foods will not cause any damage, some can. A list of stuff you should make sure your dog never eats and seek health attention if they do.

At Grah Kingston, we are providing quality  Nutrition services in Kingston. We are known as one of the best dogs & cat Nutrition vet clinics in Kingston open 7 days a week.

Nutrition Service Kingston: What Not to Feed Your Dog

You may have heard that certain fruits can harmful to your dog. To be more specific you never want to feed your dog apple seeds, grapes or raisins, onions, or mushrooms. All of these can cause various levels of problems for your canine some serious. If you discover that your dog has swallowed any of these items contact your veterinarian at vet clinics Kingston immediately.

While most people don’t deliberately give alcohol or drugs to their pets, dogs can be unscrupulous, and a cocktail made with some cream left on a coffee table can be an easy target. If your dog manages to ingest moreover whiskey or drugs the results can be quite serious. Don’t hesitate to contact your vet or the emergency vet Kingston as soon as you suspect, and better yet, do whatever you can to keep these items far away from your dog as possible

Nutrition Service Kingston: What Not to Feed Your Dog

Sweety, gum or chocolate are also known to be dangerous to your dog. Many of these products contain Xylitol which can have effects on your dog’s liver. Dependent on how much is consumed results may be long-lasting and could even include liver failure. You can also put coffee in this group. Keep chocolate candy and caffein out of reach of your dog.

Even if you do all that you can to assure that your dog doesn’t get into any of these items, accidents can happen. Don’t let your dog stay on the wrong nutrition service for long. If you suspect there is a problem, then please call the experts at Gardiners Road Animal Hospital. Pet owners are welcome to visit our Animal Hospital in Kingston. We can help determine the proper Nutrition Service in Kingston for your dog.

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