Veterinary Service: How to Prevent Overweightness in Dogs

Dog obesity is a large problem. Over 55% of pets in the Kingston are overweight or obese. This is not just a problem for how your dog looks, it can also cause serious health problems. Dog obesity can cause an increased risk of health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, cancers, joint disease, lung disease, and high blood pressure.

At Grah Kingston, we are providing quality Veterinary Service. We are known as one of the Best Nutrition Service in Kingston at vet clinics in Kingston open 7 days a week.

Veterinary Service: How to Prevent Overweightness in Dogs

Regardless of whether your canine isn't wiped out, his weight can likewise cause a reduction in his personal satisfaction, with his being not able to prep himself or be portable enough to play. This is preventable and you can use food and exercise to help reduce the risk or ease obesity.

Exercising Your Dog

Exercise him the right amount. Your dog gains weight because he eats more calories than he burns. To struggle this, your dog needs to exercise daily. The amount he needs to exercise every day will vary somewhat based on his size, age, and breed, but around thirty minutes a day is a good place to start. Some experts at Gardiners Road Animal Hospital recommend up to an hour of activity every day.

·         If your dog is already overweight, look into instituting an exercise plan where he walks or runs a little more each day to increase the number of calories he burns.

·         If he is overly energetic, you may need to exercise him longer in order to wear him out.

Buy the right equipment. If you take your dog walking or running every day, you need to make sure he has the right equipment. Buy a harness or collar that fits him nicely, but also one that can hold him. Bigger dogs, hyper dogs and dogs who like to run after things may work better with a yoke because these are harder to slip out from.

·         If you live in a place where it gets really cold, you may need to buy his protective booties to protect him paws when it's frozen outside. He may also need a jersey or jacket in these situations as well.

·         During the summer or on long walks, always bring water and a small bowl so he doesn't get dehydrated.

Veterinary Service: How to Prevent Overweightness in Dogs

Changing Pet Food Habits

Start good eating habits young. When you first get your pet, you should not overfeed him. A large puppy is more likely to grow into a heavy adult dog. Being heavy as a puppy can also decrease his lifespan. Feed your puppy enough so that you can feel his ribs but they aren’t visible.
Feed him the right amount
. Most pet foods have suggested pet food amounts on the back of the can or bag. There is classically a range to follow so match your dog accordingly to the proposals. If your dog is on the lower end of the range feed him on the lower end. The same is true if he is on the larger end of the range.

·         Once you determine what is right for him make sure you carefully measure the right amount during each meal. You can do this easily with a measuring cup.

·         Most dogs are always hungry, so don't measure how much you feed him on how much he wants to eat.

·         Small dogs usually need between 200-275 calories a day. Medium dogs usually need between 325-400 calories a day. Larger dogs usually need between 700-900 calories a day. This will vary depending on your dog's age, lifestyle habits and medical conditions so ask your vet at Kingston Animal Hospital if you aren't sure.

Consider your dog's lifestyle. There are sure circumstances where the sort of pet food can really make your canine put on weight in the event that he drives an inappropriate sort of way of life. If your dog is not very active outside of your daily exercise sessions, he may need a lower calorie food with more fiber.

·         This kind of food is more filling which will help him eat less.

·         If he is more active normal calorie food will be fine.

·         If your dog has medical conditions such as arthritis, he will probably not be as active and should eat less to reimburse.

Veterinary Service: How to Prevent Overweightness in Dogs

Avoid leaving food out all the time. If you leave a pet food bowl down all the time your dog may overeat. This can cause him to become gain weight. Some canines do not know when to stop so they will eat even if they are not ravenous.

·         Stick to structured mealtimes, which will contain him calorie intake every day. You can blowout what he eats a day over two or three meals but don't leave dry food out all the time.

Limit Pet treats. Although you may want to reward your dog with pet treats, they can actually damage him. This is especially true if you feed him pet treats too much. These pet treats are extra calories your dog eats so if you want to feed him more pet treats, reduce his meals a little to reimburse for the calories.

·         You can also save a portion of your dog's regular food and use it as a treat instead. You can feed it to him in the same manner you would pet treats, which makes him think it is a special occasion.

Give healthy snacks. There are things you can give your dog as pet treats that double as chew toys. Raw carrots, broccoli, and celery are good for dogs provide a nourishing crunch and are something extra for them to chew on. They are also good for them and low in calories.

·         Even though raw veggies are good for him avoid giving your dog food from your table. It has oils and seasonings that aren't good for him and may have hidden calories that make his gain weight.

·         You can also use attention and playtime as pet treats instead. Often dogs get the same, if not more, enjoyment out of spending more time with you.

Veterinary Service: How to Prevent Overweightness in Dogs

Deciding If Your Pet is Overweight

Check the recommended weight for your dog. One of the first steps to preventing obesity in your dog is to know what is considered a healthy weight for him. If you have a pure or pedigreed dog you can look for the recommended weight chart for that breed online. Ponder your dog on a scale and compare this to the plan.

·         There are also online calculators you can use to regulate what is suggested for your dog which uses breed, age, and overall look of your dog.

·         You can download a Dog Size-O-Meter from the Pet Food Manufacturers' to help you identify whether your dog is obese.

·         There are some variations in relation to body size, so you can ask your veterinarian at Veterinary clinics in Kingston to make sure.

Find your dog's body score. Another way to figure out if your dog is overweight is called body scoring. This system measures the amount of body fat cover your dog's body. The benefit is that it helps you assess your particular dog instead of trying to fit him into a generic ranking system. The score ranges from zero to five. The ideal body score is three.

·         The healthy way your dog's body should feel is where the dog’s hip bones, backbone, and ribs can be easily touched when you push with light pressure but these bones should not be easily realized under the skin.

·         If you have to press firmly with your hands to feel your dog's ribs, he is weighty. He is also overweight if there is no upward fold in his stomach area.

Veterinary Service: How to Prevent Overweightness in Dogs

See the vet. If you have any questions about your dog's weight you can always go see your veterinarian at Gardiners Road Animal Hospital. He will be able to weight your dog and let you know if he is at a healthy weight.

Pet owners are welcome to visit our Animal hospital in Kingston. We have the best nutritionist at an affordable veterinary clinic with years of experience who have done their jobs in the Nutrition Service incredibly.

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