Veterinary Service in Kingston: Common Health Problems in Dogs

 Unfluctuating with regular visits to the vet your dog might be vulnerable to certain health problems. The rather you find this health concerns the better chance your dog has of making a complete recovery. Use the subsequent guide to diagnose issues early so you can get your beloved pet the care he needs.

At Grah Kingston, we are providing quality Veterinary Service in Kingston. We are known as one of the Best diagnostic services vet clinics in Kingston open 7 days a week.

Veterinary Service in Kingston: Common Health Problems in Dogs

Dog Ear Infections

Anything from animal allergies to hair growth could present problems in your dog’s ears. If you notice that your dog shakes his head or scratches his ears more than normal it could be a sign of a bigger issue like an infection. Infections might also cause ear smells, balance issues, redness near the ear canal, swelling, or a discharge. If your dog does have an ear infection it is important to take him to the vet at vet clinics Kingston to get the treatment he needs as soon as possible.


Canines have a high danger of coming into contact with a worm that could cause intestinal issues. Different worms could cause discomfort or a more serious issue that might seriously affect your animal’s health. Look out for diarrhea, significant weight loss, a decrease in appetite, or negative changes to the animal’s appearance. If you notice any of these changes, you should schedule an appointment with your veterinarian at Veterinary Hospital Kingston.

Veterinary Service in Kingston: Common Health Problems in Dogs


Not only do fleas cause uncomfortable itches for your dog, but they can also affect the animal’s health. Pay attention to see if your dog conquers or scratches at a certain area, loses hair, or has visible animal skin problems. If you see small black dots on the skin or notice any of these symptoms, bring the dog in for a visit with the vet at vet clinics Kingston.

Gardiners Road Animal Hospital is committed to giving your pets the best health care in the Kingston area. Where your animal needs a regular checkup or you are worried about potential health concerns, we are here for you. We have vets in Kingston with years of experience who have done their jobs in the Veterinary Service in Kingston incredibly.

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