Nutrition Service in Kingston: Ingredients to Avoid in Your Pet Food

 In the human world, there is a growing concern for eating whole foods over processed choices. However, this concern does not always extend to the animal world. If you are concerned about what your pets are eating, then learning the ingredients in their food can help you make better choices. Let’s look at common ingredients found in pet food that you should avoid.

At Grah Kingston, we are providing quality Nutrition service in Kingston. We are known as one of the best dogs & cat Nutrition vet clinics in Kingston open 7 days a week.

Nutrition Service in Kingston: Ingredients to Avoid in Your Pet Food

Wheat Products

Wheat products are found in many pet foods because they can increase the amount of food without adding more expensive products like meat and vegetables. Wheat contains gluten, which has been linked to various symptoms in humans and animals, such as digestive issues. Look for pet food that does not contain wheat, grains, corn, or other types of wheat products that animals are not meant to eat.

Food Dyes

Food dyes are added to various human and pet foods to enhance the look and color of processed foods. Food dyes have been found to cause certain reactions in humans like cancer, behavioral problems, and allergies. These dyes are unnecessary in pet foods because pets cannot distinguish colors in the same way as humans, and dyes present potential risks to your pets’ health.

Nutrition Service in Kingston: Ingredients to Avoid in Your Pet Food

Meat By-Products

When your pet food includes meat by-products on the list of ingredients, you risk adding unknown substances to your pets’ diets. Meat by-products can contain different parts of multiple animals, such as bones and fats. These animals are found on farms, ranches, and other facilities that have been found to inject dangerous chemicals to grow and kill animals. These chemicals like pentobarbital are still present in the meat by-products and can negatively affect the health of your pets.

If you are curious about the health dangers of these and other ingredients in your pets’ food, then visit Gardiners Road Animal Hospital. We strive to keep our clients healthy and happy, and that means informing their owners about the right and wrong foods to eat. Pet owners are welcome to visit our Animal Hospital in Kingston. We can help determine the proper Nutrition Service in Kingston for your cat.

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