Kingston Vet: Tips for Calming Your Nervous Dog
When you leave your pet alone or a rainstorm hits, you may notice your dog becoming nervous or disturbed. This is not a healthy state of mind for your pet so it is important to calm him as much as possible. Stay reading to learn a few tips to help quiet your worried dog.
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We are known as one of the Best Veterinary Service at vet clinics in Kingston
open 7 days a week.

Provide Physical Contact
If your dog is moaning, striding,
shaky, or exhibiting other nervous symptoms then give him a chance to get close
to you. Most dogs are social creatures who love and need physical contact with
their owners. Though, some canines may lash out or become aggressive when they
are nervous or overcome. Do not grab or pet your dog forcefully. Let him come
to you by sitting near him in a desired spot of the house or present your hand
to smell.
Take Energizing Walks and
Exercise is essential to keep anxiety
levels down in humans and animals. If your canine encounters division
uneasiness or appears to be anxious frequently, at that point focus on strolls
and recess. Dogs should be walked daily to release stress and maintain a
healthy weight. In addition to daily walks be sure to play with your canine
Examine Your Surroundings
If your canine appears unusually worried
then examine yourself and your surroundings. Dogs will respond to human feelings
so your high anxiety levels may be upsetting your dog’s nerves. Your dog could
also be responding to a stranger, noises, other animals, or traces in the abrupt

Play Mood-Specific Music
Animals retort to music the same
way that humans do. It can calm them make them fidgety, and cause other
reactions. If your dog is nervous when you leave or during rainstorms, then
play dog-friendly music to calm him.
At Gardiners Road Animal Hospital, we can diagnose your dog’s nervous symptoms and help you keep him calm during times of stress. Please call us at +1 613-634-(KVET)5838 to schedule a visit for your dog’s behavioral health.