Micro-Chip Service in Kingston: Why Should Indoor Cats be Microchipped

Microchips can be very viable for distinguishing lost pets and rejoining them with their families, a happy reunion can’t occur if the microchip registration is incorrect or if your pet isn’t microchipped at all. Many feline owners wonder why they ought to trouble to have their feline friends microchipped if they're an indoor cat. Though you think your cat will never go outside there are many chances for their interest to get the best of her, in which case you will be glad you had your cat microchipped.

At Grah Kingston, we are providing quality Micro Chip Service. We are known as one of the best dogs and cat Micro Chip vet clinics in Kingston open 7 days a week.

Micro-Chip Service in Kingston: Why Should Indoor Cats be Microchipped

Open Doors and Windows

You may be thinking my indoor cat would never wander outside. She doesn’t need a microchip. But never say never. Many exciting things could trap your kitty out an open door or window.

Inquisitiveness: You never know what could temper your cat’s interest a particularly vocal bird, a high-spirited squirrel, or possibly another feline. Even if your feline has never attempted to jump through an open window or door before any of these things could lead your indoor cat to dive into the great outdoors.

Fear: If your feline is averse to meeting new people too many strangers in your home could be what drives her to make a bolt out of a door left open.

Opportunity: Sometimes your feline just needs the right situation to make her getaway. For example, if you're having home repairs wiped out your home workers might not remember of your feline and leave the door open for long periods or even just long enough for your feline to go exploring where she shouldn’t.

Micro-Chip Service in Kingston: Why Should Indoor Cats be Microchipped

Many indoor felines don’t wear collars or have any sort of identification tags. A study showed that less than two percent of felines without microchips were returned home. Though, if a cat is microchipped, the return to owner rate is 20 times above if the cat wasn't microchipped. By microchipping your pet, you ensure she will always have a form of ID on her collar or not.


Let’s be honest: your indoor feline isn’t always indoors. Whether you are taking your feline to the vet at vet clinics in Kingston for a checkup, to the pet parlor for cat grooming, or even on a plane for wide travel there are multiple chances for her to escape.

If the kitty isn’t used to car rides this can be a scary or over-inspiring experience, and she may react by trying to escape from the car or your arms while walking through the parking lot. You should always keep your feline in a secure, vet-approved carrier during car rides and other transport, but microchip service is extra-added security.

Micro-Chip Service in Kingston: Why Should Indoor Cats be Microchipped

In Case of Emergency

On the off chance that the direst outcome imaginable happens and you should leave your home in a rush because of a crisis or catastrophe, you may not generally have the opportunity to guarantee your feline is appropriately shipped during departure.

If your otherwise indoor cat is accidentally set free during a crisis you are much more likely to be reunited with your beloved pet if she is microchipped. There have been several interesting incidences about cats with microchips being returned to their homes sometimes from great distances due to their chips being scanned by a veterinary clinic in Kingston or animal shelters.

Pet Theft

Although a very rare incidence, inappropriately, pet theft does happen sometimes. While cat microchips are not tracking devices, they do provide a permanent radio frequency ID for your cat. If your feline finds herself with a new owner and is taken to a vet clinic in Kingston or an animal shelter, she should be routinely scanned for a microchip to expose her unique ID number and you could be contacted using the information on file with your cat's microchip. For that reason, it’s important to make sure your indoor cat has a microchip and that you keep her microchip registration up to date.

Micro-Chip Service in Kingston: Why Should Indoor Cats be Microchipped

Although indoor cats are generally safer because they aren’t exposed to diseases from animals, busy streets, marauders, etc., they also aren’t familiar with life outside your home. If they get outside unintentionally, they can become lost more easily and may not be wearing a collar or ID tag. Microchipping your indoor cat can give you peace of mind and ensure your pet is returned to you in the event she does get lost.

If you have any questions regarding microchipping or wish to make an appointment for your pet visit our Animal Hospital in Kingston. At GRAH Kingston, we routinely provide microchipping services to pets in an easy and relatively painless manner.

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